Estate Planning Services

Living Trust

A Living Trust is an essential element in many of our clients' estate plans. By setting up a Living Trust, you can effectively avoid probate. This legal tool ensures that your assets remain private and under your control during your lifetime, allowing you to manage your income, assets, and expenses without interference. Furthermore, a Living Trust simplifies the transfer of your assets to your designated beneficiaries after your passing, providing a streamlined and efficient transition.

Certificate of Trust

A Certification of Trust is a document that serves to protect your privacy while confirming the existence and fundamental details of your Living Trust. Unlike the full Living Trust, this certification does not disclose the complete terms of the trust but provides essential information needed for financial transactions. It is commonly used when working with banks and financial institutions to facilitate the transfer of accounts into the name of your Living Trust. The Certification of Trust usually only includes the name of the trust, the date it was established, the names of the involved parties, and the trust's identification number.

Pour-Over Will

Each spouse will need induvial Pour-Over Will, which fulfills crucial functions in estate planning. First, it specifies how personal property, including items such as heirlooms and other valued possessions, should be distributed. The will also designates guardians for any minor children, ensuring their care and guardianship are clearly outlined. Lastly, the Pour-Over Will includes a catch-all provision that serves as a safety net, transferring any property not already included in the Living Trust. This comprehensive approach ensures that all assets are managed according to the overall estate plan.

Durable Power of Attorney

A Durable Power of Attorney for Asset Management enables you to designate an individual to handle your financial affairs in the event that you are unable to manage them yourself. This document allows you to outline the extent of the agent’s authority and specify when their powers will take effect. This ensures that your financial matters are managed according to your wishes and needs if you become incapacitated.

Advance Health Care Directive

An Advance Health Care Directive is a document that articulates your healthcare preferences and ensures they are honored. This directive empowers your designated agent to make medical decisions on your behalf, providing clear guidance to caregivers and family members during challenging times. By establishing this document, you take control of your medical care and ensure that your wishes are respected even when you may not be able to communicate them yourself.